Rateable Values Search

Please enter either a postcode or an address *

(e.g. CF63 4RU)

e.g. House number, building name, street, town and/or county name

Search Criteria:

  • You can search for properties by entering either a full postcode and/or address.
  • Address must be at least 6 characters long when the postcode is not entered.
  • Searches using wildcard characters are not allowed. (e.g. % * ? etc.)
  • For best results supply a full postcode or a house name/number and street.

Possible Reasons a Property Cannot Be Found:

  • Street name / building name has not been spelt correctly.
  • The full postcode has not been entered (both the first and last part of the postcode are required).
  • The property you are searching for may not be within this local authority's area.
  • The property you are searching for may not be a commercial address.